Hari ke eNam - Cabaran 30 hari bersama Chmie =)

 Day 06- Favorite super hero and why?
wah... cakap psl super hero ni...
aku xde la sgt yg favorite nye..
sume aku shuke...
tp super hero yg menjadi kegemaran ku kini & selamanya
Of cOz la my asben =)
En. Shahrizal Samsudin huhuh...

tp nih adala salah satu super herO yg favorite la..
yg aku suke bukan sOrg la.. tp dia One team..
The X Men.. 
i love the x-men. 
gO wolverine!!!
gO Cyclops Scott Summers, the laser eyes
gO x-wOmen :P 
Rogue Anna Marie who can absorb other powers from fellow and enemy mutants =)
Jean Gray who can move things with her mind.

 hurm... dOraemOn tuh kategOri superherO gak ke..
huhuh.. dia kan slalOo tulun nObita ;)

dOne with day 6 =)


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