::Tag..I'm It!!! ~From Cik-Ienn~::

16 Random Facts *tagged by Cik-Ienn

Directions: Once you’ve been tagged, you have to write a blog with 16 random things, facts, habits or goals about you. At the end choose 16 people to be tagged, listing their names and why you chose them. Don’t forget to leave them a comment or tag them in your note to read this.

1. Fakta penting ttg aku: Nama aku Nor Emiliza Binti Zainuddin.. hehe..

2. I can't live without my family n my lurve ;)

3. Saya anak ke-2 daripada 4 adik beradik dan saya paling comel antara semua. Maksud comel di sini ialah paling comel la.. hehe. Sekian!

4. I like music a lot! I sing most of the time.. In the toilet, in the kitchen, while driving, while walking alone.. while bathing..and..wherever there's music on n I know the songs.. =)

5. Tahun ni soalan paling hangat dan top aku dpt ialah bila nak kawen. Saya? Oh masih samar² lagi... *sila jangan tanya bila.

6. I like the way I look.. huhu.. I love myself =)

7. I am currently single.. hehe.. single but not available… I’m belong to….. ;)
8. I am happy at this moment!! .. aku gumbira…

9. I miss my lil sis yg nun jauh di sana… Ireland… tgu aku… hahaha..bole ke camtu..?

10. aku tingin jumpa dak² Kolej Kurniawan.. best la hidup ngn korg.. esp. dorm 6a3.. besh..besh.. *tingat kenangan kita p baling mercun kt pondok guard.. pehtu kita men volleyball kena kt dada kapten.. harharhar.. ampunkan dosa kami..

11. Laughing, I'll be brain dead if I don't!

12. adoooyaiii… banyaknye kan nk kena jwb 16 soklan.. huhu..

13. I love food of any kinds - western,masakan kampung, anything. Just bring it on! I'm not fussy when it comes to food. I can eat (almost) anything

14. aku x suka tidurku diganggu.. watch out!!

15. Aku paling x suke People with no manners

16. Akhirnya aku berjaya abiskan tag ini.. harharhar!!!

Mari kita lihat siapa yang kena..

My Lil Siscoz dia suke tag aku.. balas dendam nampak hehehe
Kak Nuricoz sis ini suka tagging world.. haha ye ker..? hehe
KakJahcoz dia suka updet blog. Haha xde kena ngena..
Kak Ninisame spt di atas.. =)
Nadiacoz aku nk sgt dia jwb tag neh.. bole ker nard?
Meensila jawab yer heheh..
Wanitag ini khas untukmu.. tag mu itu pn akak x jwb lgik.. hehe

Last but not least – pada rakan² blogger yg lain.. sudila kiranya jawab tag ini.. =)


Ciklinn said…
hehehheeh mmg comell pun kau dik.....dah tgok baby kak fida ke? this week akak nak gi umah dier... meh kita lepak2 kat situ nak....
sYaMeMe_86 said…
akak comel?hehe..comel dr yur lil sis?emm...let me think..klu ckp akak xcomei myb mate kte transform to panda..if ckp adik(yur lil sis) xcomei...kne sumbat dlm peti ais..so..conclusion y kte leh uat..hoho...xlen tak bungkan lalu tak terpakse dgn mudah melafaskn im da comeiest among u guys..miahahaha
Ummu Iman_Irfan said…
x tgk g la kaklinn..
oo weekend ni ker..?
aiseh.. saya blk kg la..
dis week cannot gi la =)
insya allah next time...
Ummu Iman_Irfan said…
conclusion yang x besh dibaca...
tetiba lak awak comei...
sonang cito la kan...
kami adik beradik suma comel... huhuhu

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